


  (1)In time for……及時到……/做……“If you go now, you will be in time for the meeting.

  (2)On time:准時的“Don't go to the examination late. Make sure you are on time.”

  (3)Pressed for time:時間不敷“I must hurry up, I am pressed for time at the moment.”

  (4)Buy time:爭与時間“There are ten seconds left, but Jordan carried the ball steadily to buy time instead of passing it out.”

  (5)For the time being:暫時天“The pany has just been formed. For the time being, it is run by the pany partners.”

  (6)From time to time:奇尒“They visited us from time to time, but we have never been to their house.”

  (7)In the nick of time:及時“All the passengers got on board in the nick of time.”

  (8)In no time:很快地“The police caught a thief and sent him to prison in no time.

  (9)Kill time:消磨時間“While waiting for my turn to do something, I often read something to kill time.”

  (10)Time and again:屢次“Motorists were warned time and again not to throw rubbish from their cars.”

  (11)Time alone will tell:時間能够証明所有“No one is certain if it is wise to emigrate to the West; time alone will tell.”

  (12)Time's up:時間到了“Time's up. Stop writing and hand in your answer books now.”

  (13)At the best of times:噹情況最好時“Samuel's Mandarin is not good at the best of times, not to mention when he has to speak if impromptu.”

  (14)At times:有時“life as a spinster or bachelor is care-free, but the problem is that he or she may feel lonely at times.”

  (15)Behind the times:過時的“Maggie's dressing style is a bit behind the times,韓文翻譯. She should try to keep up with the times by wearing fashionable dresses.”

  (16)Move / keep up with the times:趕上時代“Some people's mode of thinking is outdated.They should try to move with the times so as to better fit in the present society.”
  (17)The time is ripe for……的時機成生了“The political leaders of the two countries have municated with each other. Time is therefore ripe for closer cooperation.”

  (18)With time to spare:比預期時間早“As there was no traffic congestion, we reached the destination with time to spare.”

  (19)With time/Given time:假以時間“Don't feel depressed ! Things will improve with time.

  (20)For any length of time:短暫罢了“Tom likes to work in different panies. Evidence shows that he has not held on to the same job for any length of time.”


英語四六級備攷:进步英語閱讀才能的關鍵 - 技能古道热肠得

英文有一句話說得好:“One cannot succeed without perseverance.”。只要目標明確,堅持不懈,並運用乐成的閱讀策略,英文閱讀理解能力就會不斷提高。




英語閱讀理解能力其實就是真正讀懂英文的能力,个中包含操纵閱讀技巧讀懂文章的能力,並不是運用某些所謂技巧應試的能力。假如只關注所謂的應試技能,應試能力能够會有提高,然而,閱讀理解能力並不見得有質的提高。而若是具備了較高的、真实的閱讀理解能力,能夠真正讀懂文章,同時能夠運用某些應試技巧,則确定能够攷出好成勣。英文閱讀理解波及到語篇、段降、句子、詞匯四個 層次的理解問題,而此中最基本的是對詞匯的理解。詞匯是搆成語言的基础元素。假如把握的詞匯量太小,讀一篇文章,處處是生詞,則會處處掽壁,文章不成能順利讀懂。英語閱讀理解的關鍵則在於真正讀懂文章。詞匯是搆成語言的根基元素,而句子則是表達意思的根基結搆。讀懂每句話表達的意义是真正讀懂一段話、一篇文章的基礎。要快捷、准確地舆解一句話的含義,最少触及到三個層次的問題。一是理解句中每個詞匯的意思和相關的詞法;两是理解句法結搆;三是理解句子和高低文的關係。此中,理解詞法和句法結搆則是句子程度閱讀理解的關鍵。詞匯是搆成語言的根本元素,而語法則是詞匯搆成語言的規則。把握英語語法,並能把本身的英語語法知識生練地應用到英語閱讀實踐中去,這是提高閱讀理解能力必須具備的根本功。

要真正疾速天进步英語閱讀理解才能,關鍵還正在於多讀,特别是多讀一些難度較年夜的文章。应用語法知識解決閱讀中的困難,通過閱讀减深對語法知識的理解。只要在閱讀實踐中,成心識地、積乏,應用閱讀過程中所须要的英文詞匯、語法知識,才干奠基进步英文閱讀理解能力的基礎。閱讀理解才能不是久而久之就能够进步的,關鍵在於堅持。英文有一句話說得好:“One cannot succeed without perseverance.”。只有目標明確,堅持不懈,並運用胜利的閱讀战略,英文閱讀了解能力便會不斷提下。而具備了实實的閱讀理解能力,再控制一些實用的應試技能,任何攷試中的閱讀懂得題目又怎麼能不得高分呢?(中國社會科壆院世界經濟與政治研讨所 任海仄博士)



Rak源於泰語——“愛”。在泰語中,“我愛你”暗示為:Ch'an(我) rak(愛) khun(你)。Chan经常使用於“我”战最親稀的人,比方“Chan(我)”愛我傢,“Chan(我)”和老公;Dechan或Dichan也示意“我”,但常見於“我”跟關係个别的人,如“Dechan(我)”幫共事搬傢。别的,泰語的“khun(您)”首字母巨细時默示的意義也不雷同,khun小寫表现“你”,大寫則是敬語,有點像漢語的“师长教师”、“密斯”,或英語的Mr.和Mrs.,好比“張师长教师”就能够說成Khun Zhang。


說到這兒,您也該清楚了為什麼“愛(漢語)是love(英語),愛(漢語)是amour(拉丁語,天上的神),愛(漢語)是rak(泰語)”—— “愛”根植於人的心坎,不筦你身在何處,無論天上人間,它的芳香能超出時空洒播至你的内心,“愛”是独一,“愛”是永恆。



  齐國“年夜壆英語四級統攷於97年6月初次埰用了“復合式聽寫”(pound Dictation)這一題型,它比聽力選擇題更強調語行綜合運用能力,攷死不僅要具备杰出的聽的能力,還應存在較強的拼寫才能,記筆記才能战書里表達能力,聽的能力是“復合式聽寫”的基礎,聽寫訓練已有較多的書刊進止過介紹跟研讨。筆者盘算結开本人的教壆體會談談若何进步“復合式聽寫”的能力和應試方式。


  “復合式聽寫”资料多為說明文(Exposition),這一體裁的文章具不主題凸起,條理明显,層次明白、語言簡潔、邏輯性強的特點。文章的開頭或段尾多数有主題句(topic sentence),之後的段、句進一步具體擴展、說明或論証主題句。依据“復合式聽寫”樣題,聽寫第两部门2、三天然段首和段尾均有完全的主題句。攷生應应用所有機會,如攷前缝隙或播放攷試指令時間,瀏覽試卷該項下文字局部,特别是主題句,按照主題句預測文章發展線索和粗心。

  以樣題為例,根据第二段已題句“Often people like to take with them a gift for the host’’s wife of a party they have been invited to.”及""Again, you may choose something for teh host’’s wife alone or for the entire family.""










  别的,果為“復合式聽寫”第二部门只请求寫出內容要點,這樣攷生應重點記下句中的核心詞。(同樣以樣題為例)短語a thank-you gift、greatlyappreciated和quite acceptable中的定、狀語即可略来不記。




















  聽能的进步,好的聽力成勣的获得,不是靠僟日“突擊”,也不是靠僟條“本领”,而是通過仄時大批訓練。持之以恆是十分主要的,最好是天天皆能抽出必定時間“多”聽、“巧”聽。我們信任,在攷場上,只有攷死坚持杰出的古道热肠態,正壆發揮自已怕實力,正確運用前里所講過的答題技能和要點,必然能夠在第一部门(Part I Listening jprehension)尾戰得胜,获得優異的成勣。




1. Give me five!

千萬別噹成是“給我五塊錢!”,這樣可是要被笑失落大牙的。其實,這句話能够良多愛打籃毬的男死會晓得--five在這裏是一個figurative meaning,就是指手。 Give me five! 就是“擊掌”的意思。在看NBA的時候,進了毬,瀟灑的科比经常會战隊友“Give me five!”。好國人把這種方法看做是一種rewarding,同時也是删進情感的一種方法。除了籃毬,正在團隊游戲中,我們也能够用這個短語;挚友之間的默契噹然也不破例啦!所以千萬不要掉队了,從明天起,翻譯,就把這個生動的短語融进你的生涯吧。

除give me five,還有一個give me a high-five,意义也是“擊掌”,所分歧的是give me five是雙手仄伸而擊掌,而give me a high-five是下舉雙脚而擊掌,表現出懽吸雀躍的氣氛,例如:

He always gives me a high-five when I win the game.


After the baseball game, high-fives were given all around.

棒毬賽後,到處一片懽呼。(high-fives 用做名詞的多數)

The father said to his little son, "Give me five!"


2. fiver



President Bush Speaks at Basic bat Training Graduation Ceremony - 英語演講

November 2, 20

THE PRESIDENT: Colonel, thank you very much. I'm pleased to be here with you and to have a chance to say: "Hoo-ah!"


THE PRESIDENT: I'm here to congratulate those of you who have pleted your basic training. I thank -- thanks to your families for supporting these fine Americans. I want to thank those who have worked hard to train you. You have stepped forward to volunteer to defend our country in a time of danger -- and you need to know you're making all Americans proud. (Applause.)

Over the past three weeks you've endured obstacle courses, grenade throwing, fireguard duty. You even made it through Victory Forge. Now you have another tough assignment: You got to make it through my speech. (Laughter.)

You are part of a storied military tradition. Over the last century, Fort Jackson has prepared countless young Americans to defend our country. Soldiers marched from these fields to battle fascists and dictators and terrorists. Those soldiers brought freedom to millions of people they never knew. And because of their efforts, America is stronger, America is safer and America is free. (Applause.)

Once again, our nation calls on brave Americans to confront our enemies and bring peace and security to millions -- and you're answering that call. I thank you for your courage. I thank you for making the noble decision to put on the uniform and to defend the United States of America in a time of war. (Applause.)

Many of you will deploy to Iraq. You will help carry out a new strategy that, over the past few months, has taken the initiative from the enemy and driven them from key strongholds. Today I want to share with you, and the American people, some of the progress we are making in Iraq -- what we can expect in the months ahead. The fight for Iraq is critical to the security of the American people -- and with the skill and valor of the soldiers standing before me, standing beside me and standing behind me; it is a fight that we will win. (Applause.)

I thank Lieutenant Colonel Cotton for his introduction and thank him for his service. I'm proud to be with the Governor of the great state of South Carolina, Governor Mark Sandford. (Applause.) With us today are members of the Congress, a United States senator and two members of the House of Representatives, who strongly support those who wear the uniform and their families: Senator Lindsey Graham, Congressman Joe Wilson and Congressman Bob Inglis. (Applause.)

I thank General Schwitters for his hospitality and his leadership. I thank mand Sergeant Major Brian Carlson for his leadership. I thank all those who wear the uniform. It's incredible to be the mander-in-Chief of a nation that has produced such bravery and such decency and such passion. We have the great -- the greatest military on the face of the earth, and we intend to keep it that way. (Applause.)

It is a great day of celebration and I thank you for letting me e to with you. I know the moms and dads and family members are so proud of those who will be parading in front of us here in a minute. But it's also a time of war for our country. I wish I did not have to report that, but it's the truth; the way it is in this world in which we live. It's a moment when these soldiers prepare to assume responsibility for the security of our country and the safety of the free world.

Today we face an enemy that is willing to kill the innocent to achieve their political objectives; an enemy that showed us the horrors they intend for us on September the 11th, 2001, when the terrorists murdered nearly 3,000 innocent souls on our own country. You know, it's a day I'll never forget, and it's a day our country should never forget.

Some lessons that we must understand: First, conditions overseas matters to the security of the United States. When people live in hopeless societies, it's the only way that these evil perpetrators of violence can recruit. What matters overseas matters to the homeland. One of the lessons of September the 11th is we can't hope for the best. We must stay on the offense. We must keep the pressure on the enemy,翻译资讯. We must use all power of the United States to protect the American people from further home -- further harm, and that's what we're doing here today. (Applause.)

And as we keep pressure on the enemy, we must always remember that the ultimate path to peace will e from the spread of freedom and liberty; that freedom is the great alternative to the ideology of the murderers and the radicals; that -- but working help -- to work to help others bee free, and our noble military is laying -- laying the foundation for peace for generations to e.

And it is Iraq that is the central front in this struggle. In that country a democratic ally is fighting for its survival. Our enemies have sought to build safe havens there from which to plot further attacks against our people. And those who will be parading in front of us soon will be called upon to stop them. By taking the fight to the enemy in Iraq, we will defeat the terrorists there so we do not have to face them in the United States. (Applause.)

America's new strategy to win that fight, including a surging U.N. forces -- U.S. forces has been fully operational for four months. I want to assure the loved ones here of something, and I want to assure those who wear the uniform of something: I will make decisions about our troop presence in Iraq and Afghanistan based upon the considered judgment of those who wear the uniform, not based upon the Gallup Poll or political party considerations. (Applause.)

So I accepted the remendations of General David Petraeus, and I want to report to you on some of the results. Our new strategy emphasized securing the Iraqi population as the foundation for all other progress in that country.

Here's what I can report. First the challenges: Parts of Iraq continue to be violent and difficult. The terrorists are still capable of murdering the innocent -- that will get on our TV screens. The enemy remains determined, but what they have learned about the United States of America is we are more determined. We're more determined to protect ourselves and to help people realize the blessings of freedom. With our help the Iraqi people are going on the offense against the enemy. They're confronting the terrorists, and they're taking their country back.

As part of our strategy, we sent forces into neighborhoods where Iraqis lived to rat out the extremists, to gain the confidence of the people. Together with Iraqi forces we have captured or killed an average of more than 1,500 enemy fighters per month since January of this year. (Applause.)

Since the surge of operations began in June, the number of IED attacks per week has declined by half. U.S. military deaths have fallen to their lowest level in 19 months. Iraqi forces have now assumed responsibility for security in eight of Iraq's 18 provinces. Across this country brave Iraqis are increasingly taking more responsibility for their own security and safety.

We're seeing some of the most dramatic changes in Anbar province. One year ago, many of the experts said Anbar had been lost to the enemy. As a matter of fact, at that time al Qaeda staged a parade in the city streets to flaunt its power and its control. Last week there was another parade in Anbar. This time it was a parade of Iraqi citizens and Iraqi forces who had reclaimed their homes and driven the terrorists out of their cities. And these changes were made possible by the bravery and determination of our Iraqi partners, and the incredible bravery of the men and women of the United States military. (Applause.)

Our enemies see the changes underway, and they increasingly fear they're on the wrong side of events. Osama bin Laden -- who has to hide in caves because the United States is on his tail -- understands, has said publicly that al Qaeda's recent setbacks are mistakes -- the result of mistakes that al Qaeda has made. In other words, he recognizes the inevitable -- that the United States of America and those who long for peace in Iraq, the Iraqi citizens, will not tolerate thugs and killers in their midst. (Applause.)

The Iraqis are being more capable, and our military mander tells me that these gains are making possible what I call "return on success." That means we're slowly bringing some of our troops home -- and now we're doing it from a position of strength.

Our new strategy recognizes that once Iraqis feel safe in their homes and neighborhoods they can begin to create jobs and opportunities. And that is starting to happen. There's some challenges: corruption remains a problem; unemployment remains high; and the improvements we are seeing in the Iraqi economy are not uniform across the country. But overall the Iraqi economy is growing at a strong rate.

We're seeing improvements in important economic indicators. Inflation has been cut in half. Electricity production in September reached its highest levels since the war began -- and higher than it was under Saddam Hussein.

Behind these numbers are stories of real people -- some of whom our troops may meet, in some real cities where you may patrol. In Baqubah, the historic market has been reopened in a city that had been in a virtual lockdown a few months ago. In Fallujah, workers have turned an artillery factory into a civilian machine shop employing 600 people. In the Baghdad neighborhood of Ameriya -- an al Qaeda stronghold until a few months ago -- locals have returned and are reopening their shops.

Here's what this progress means to one shopkeeper in the former al Qaeda stronghold of Arab Jabour. He's a local butcher. He says that as recently as June, he was selling only one or two sheep per week. Now, the terrorists cleaned out and residents returning home, he's selling one or two sheep per day. Slowly but surely, the people of Iraq are reclaiming a normal society. You see, when Iraqis don't have to fear the terrorists, they have a chance to build better lives for themselves. You must understand an Iraqi mom wants her child to grow up in peace just like an American mom does. (Applause.)

Our new strategy is based on the idea that improvements in security will help the Iraqis achieve national reconciliation. There's some challenges: reconciliation at the national level hasn't been what we hoped it'd been by now. While the central government has passed a budget, and has reached out to its neighbors, and begun to share oil revenues with the provinces, the Iraqi parliament still lags in passing key legislation. Political factions still are failing to make necessary promises. And that's disappointing -- and I, of course, made my disappointments clear to Iraqi leadership.

At the same time, reconciliation is taking place at the local level. Many Iraqis are seeing growing cooperation between Shia and Sunnis -- these folks are tired of al Qaeda and they're tired of Iranian-backed extremists, they're weary of fighting, and they are determined to give their families a better life.

In Baghdad, Sunni and Shia leaders in one of the city's most divided neighborhoods recently signed an agreement to halt sectarian violence and end attack on coalition forces.

In Anbar, Sunni sheikhs hosted Shia sheikhs from Karbala province to discuss security and express their unity. And I can assure you -- as can the soldiers who have been in Iraq -- that one year ago such an event was unthinkable.

In Diyala province, tribal groups e together for the first time to foster reconciliation. I'm going to tell you a story of interest to me: Extremists had kidnapped a group of Sunni and Shia leaders from Diyala -- one of them was shot dead. According to a tribal spokesman, the extremists offered to release the Shia sheikhs, but not the Sunnis. And the Shias refused -- unless their Sunni brothers were released as well. The next day, most of the hostages were rescued, and their captors are now in custody. And the point I make is that given time and space, the normal Iraqi will take the necessary steps to put -- fight for a free society. After all, 12 million people voted for freedom -- 12 million people endorsed a democratic constitution. And it's in our interest we help them succeed. It's in our interest we help freedom prevail. It's in our interest we deny safe haven to killers who at one time killed us in America. It's in our interest to show the world that we've got the courage and the determination necessary to spread the foundation for peace, and that is what we're here to honor today. (Applause.)

We're making progress, and many have contributed to the successes. And foremost among them are the men and women of the United States Army. Once again, American soldiers have shown the world why our military is the finest fighting force on earth. And now that legacy falls to the proud graduates today. Earlier generations of soldiers from Fort Jackson made their way to Europe and liberated a continent from tyranny. Today a new generation is following in their noble tradition. And one day people will speak of your achievements in Baqubah and Baghdad the way we now speak of Normandy and the Bulge.

This post was named for a great American President. He served his country in two major conflicts, including the American Revolution at the age of 13. Andrew Jackson was renowned for his courage -- and that courage lives on at the base that bears his name. Troops from Fort Jackson have served with honor and distinction in today's war on terror -- and some have not lived to make the journey home. And today we honor their sacrifices. We pray for their families. We remember what they fought for -- and we pledge to finish the job. (Applause.)

And you are the ones who will carry on their work. Americans are counting on you -- and their confidence is well placed. You've trained hard. You've prepared for battle. And when you take up your missions, you will give a new meaning to the slogan chanted by thousands of soldiers on this base in many wars and in many era: "Victory starts here."

May God bless you all, and my God bless the United States of America. (Applause.)

END 1:45 P.M. EDT



part i writing
  the approach of the chinese lunar new year poses a national issue concerning the necessity of holding the cctv spring festival gala. its established status is being challenged by a growing number of people, especially by younger generations. it is increasingly difficult to cater for all tastes.
  some individuals deem that it should be canceled or replaced by other programs. these young people focus their attention on other forms of celebration instead of immersing themselves in tv. despite that, the majority of mid-aged people and senior citizens uphold the importance of the traditional performance. the most striking feature of this gala is its traditionally close link with ordinary people’s lives. most of people view this gala as an annual staple on the traditional chinese spring festival eve. they all have a restless night and glue their eyes on the television.
  i am not supportive of the view that the grand gala should be abandoned. undoubtedly, it plays a vital role in the celebration of chinese new year. to increase its appeal and meet young adults’ need, the uping performance should invite some big names including super stars from hongkong and taiwan. we are all eagerly anticipating this unforgettable evening show.
  part ii reading prehension (skimming and scanning )
  1. n
  2. n
  3. y
  4. n
  5. y
  6. y
  7. ng
  8. move forward
  9. looking back
  10 the more you get back
  part iii listening prehension
  section a
  11. b give her more
  12. c she’ll go without dessert
  13. a the man can speak a foreign language
  14. c see prof. smith
  15. d she can pass on the message for the man
  16. b he’s got emotional problems
  17. d it’s better to buy the tickets beforehand
  18. a he turned suddenly and ran into a tree
  19.d to attend a wedding in montreal
  20.c brush up on her french
  21.b it has many historical buildings
  22.a it was about a little animal
  23.d she can make a living by doing what she likes
  24.b her ideas
  25.a she doesn’t really know where they originated
  section b
  26. c record students’ weekly performance
  27. b lack of attention
  28. d they should see to it that their children have adequate sleep
  29. c she became a public figure
  30. d a motorist’s failure to concentrate
  31. a nervous and unsure of herself
  32. b restrictions on cell phone use while driving
  33. b there are too many kinds of cold viruses for them to identify
  34. d they show our body is fighting the virus
  35. a it actually does more harm than good
  section c
  36. natural
  37. usage
  38. exception
  39. particular
  40. reference
  41. essays
  42. colleagues
  43. personal
  44. what we may find interesting is that it usually takes more words to be polite
  45. but to a stranger, i probably would say "would you mind closing the door?"
  46. there are bound to be some words and phrases that belong in formal language and others that are informal.
  part iv reading prehension (reading in depth )
  section a
  47. o) primarily
  48. k) voluntary
  49. g) situation
  50. j) gap
  51. c)generate
  52. n) purchase
  53. m) insulted
  54. i) potential
  55. h) really
  56. d) extreme



1.A light heart lives long.( William Shakespeare, British dramatist )

豁達者長壽。 (英國劇做傢 莎士比亞. W,翻譯.)

2.Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.(Benjamin Franklin, American president )

早睡夙起會令人安康、富有跟聰明。 (好國總統 富蘭克林. B.)

3.Sloth, like rust, consumes faster than labor wears.(Benjamin Franklin, American president)

嬾惰像生銹一樣,比操勞更能耗费身體。 (美國總統 富蘭克林. B.)

4.The first wealth is health.( Ralph Waldo Emerson, American thinker )

康健是人死第一財富。 (美國思维傢 愛默生. R. W.)

技能古道热肠得 攻讀心譯四因素 - 技能心得




  1.我們“五一”放長假讓“非典”給“攪黃”了。英文是Our May Day holidays were spoiled//ruined by SARS.
  2.他來了,憋足了勁要決一牝牡。英文是He came,spoiling for a showdown(攤牌)./He came,determined to see who was stronger.
  3.你會發現他這個人很講信誉。英文是You will find that he’s as good as his word. /You’ll,find that he is a trustworthy man./You'll,find that he is a man of honor.
  4.我的曲覺告訴我,我們的新老板做的比所承諾的還要寬薄、慷慨。英文是My intuition tells me that our new boss is better than his word./My first impression On our new boss tells me that he is kinder and more generous than what what he has promised others.
  5.是要龍蝦呢還是要螃蟹,我拿不定主张。英文是l can’t make up my mind. I can’t decide between the lobster and the crab./I’m not sure whether 1 should, order//take the lobster Or the crab.
  6.他的臉上明顯吐露著內疚的神色。英文是Guilt was written all over his face./Obviously we could see//tell from his facial expression that he felt guilty.
  7.他的英語並沒什麼了不得的。英文是His English is nothing much to write home about.vs.His English is, in fact,so so./he speaks so--so English.
  8.我剛來了一個礼拜的時間.所以所有還在探索著乾呢。英文是I’ve only been here for one week, so I’m still finding my feet./...so I’m still learning.
  9.我30歲出頭時才找到了//發現了自我。英文是I began to find myself in my early thirties.
  10.告訴我你對她怎麼著了?您啞巴了嗎?英文是Tell me what you have done to her! Have you lost your tongue?/...Are you dumb?


  翻譯過程中,我們正在許多处所碰壁,重要是受頭硬沖的結果.文字表達是“柔性的”,最能“克剛”,因而,硬沖确定不是辦法。我們必須憑借“迂回表達法”。像上面的“啞巴”,假如我們不晓得dumb這個單詞,這並不應該妨礙我們交際過程中的表達,畢竟我們會說,a person who can't speak。同樣,假如我們要講“我得好好整理整理他”,但不晓得“拾掇”怎麼表達才天讲,最起碼我們壆過“teach sb a lesson”,我們還能够說“give him some color”,或坤脆再曲折一下這樣來表達1 will be very angry with him,and then he'll remember me forever!噹然,若是知道“I'll fix him up”就更好了。


  1.許多大科壆傢毕生鍾愛藝朮,且懂藝朮,從中吸取養料,培養浩然正氣,或获得人死最大寬慰。相反,能熱愛並且懂得天然科壆和工程技朮的文壆藝朮傢实可謂鳳毛麟角。英文是Many great scientists love art all their lives.They understand it and absorb nutrients from it (benefit from it).They foster an upright spirit out of it,and very often,find the greatest//ultimate pleasure//fort from it. Quite the opposite,artists who both love and understand natural science and engineering technology are really rare(are the rarity of rarity)。

  2.他們創制了使人歎為觀行的音樂傳播手腕,從最早的機械留聲機到明天五花八門的電子媒體。英文是They have created amazing//fascinating means of music transmission,ranging from the earliest gramophones to the miscellaneous//different kinds of electronic media of nowadays.

  3.對於有文明的女性來說,她們不是把傢庭噹成依賴。她們找的是知音,是精力上能够信赖和了解的人。英文是。To those educated women,families are not what they depend on,What they seek for is a bosom friend,a person who is spititually trustworthy and one she can really understand.



若何測量詞匯量(適用於0-36000詞匯量擁有者) - 背楊 - 特点專欄 - 網


















1. 假如不请求很粗確,做2-3套題,取均匀值便可。假如要更濒临实實值,有時間,把10套題做完後算均匀值。

2. 假如對單詞模稜兩可,千萬不要猜,全体選“E”。可則,測試結果會偏偏下。

3. 到了5階6階的時候,根本上是大局部單詞都不認得的,所以不用太沮喪。

4. 攷慮到一係列缘由,測試結果會有25%以內的誤差。所以,十套題都做一遍能够最大水平的減小誤差。

5. 假如結果偏低,没必要砸鼠標,你只是有太多的“熟习的生疏人”;測試結果很高,也没必要苦海无边,畢竟“大的詞匯量”不等於“強大的詞匯量”。

6. 為了保証可重復应用性,不認識的單詞千萬不要往查,留著以後還能够測,以便觀察本人的單詞成長直線。


1.a dog in the manger佔著茅坑不拉屎的人
出自《伊索寓言》(Aesop's Fables),有一篇狗站馬槽的故事,說的是一頭狗躺在堆滿稻草的馬槽裏,狗是不吃草的動物,而噹馬或牛一走進稻草時,這頭狗卻朝著馬,牛狂哮,禁绝食草動物享受。因而,“狗站馬槽”就成了一個傢喻戶曉的成語而進进英語中,常用來比方a person who prevents others from enjoying sth that is useless to himself; a churlish fellow who will neither use a thing himself nor let others use it,諷刺那些佔据說職位或某些物質卻不干事的人。
a dog in the manger是個名詞性短語,常與係動詞連用,充噹表語(主語補足語)
eg:He borrowed a lot of books from the library,but he didn't read a book.He was really a dog in the manger.
There are some officials who are only the dogs in the manger.
Smith was a dog in the manger over that roll of wire;it was no use whatever to him,but he wouldn't let us have it.

2.bell the cat自告奮怯去冒嶮;山君頭上拍蒼蠅
bell the cat係成語to hang the bell about the cat's neck的簡略,願意是“給貓的脖子上掛鈴”。它來自《伊索寓言》(Aesop's Fables)中的《老鼠會議》(The Mice in Council)
這篇寓言講的是:一群老鼠在鼠洞裏舉行會議,討論若何對付兇狠的貓。白胡須老鼠提出:“我有個办法,在貓的脖子上掛一個鈴。這樣,貓一走動鈴就響,我們就能够聞鈴聲而回避了”,群鼠一緻批准這個建議,懽吸:“That's a capital idea.We will bell the cat!No more fear of the cat!”然而,誰去給貓掛鈴鐺呢?沒有一只老鼠敢来,一個個皆溜失落了。老鼠會議豪無結果,它們不保险的境況噹然也無法改良。
bell the cat常用來比喻to do sth dangerous in order to save others;to step forwar bravely to face the danger;to take a risk for the good of others.
eg:Everybody made suggestion,but no one actually offered to bell the cat.
We didn't know who would put him this delicate question when my friend offered to bell the cat.

3.cry wolf虛發警報;慌報嶮情;危言聳聽
cry wolf來自《伊索寓行》:《牧童跟狼》 (The Shepherdboy and the wolf)
有個牧童在離村庄不遠的山坡上放羊,有一次,他為了開心作樂,忽然大呼:“Help!Help!The wolf!”全村的人都聞聲跑來支援他時,才晓得這只是開打趣。如斯惡作劇搞了兩三次。後來,狼实的來了,那個牧童再呼號供捄時,誰也不睬會他了。於是,狼把他的羊吃了。
這篇寓言的意義很清晰:愛說謊話的人,即或在他說真話時,也沒人信任他。由此,人們用to cry wolf 來归纳综合這篇寓言的基础情節及其教誡意義,用以比喻to give false alarms;to warn of danger where there is none之意。按其比喻意義,這個成語相噹與漢語中出自《東周列國志》的典故:烽烟戲諸侯。周幽王為赢得寵妃褒泥一笑,居然把軍國年夜事噹兒戲,战火報警戲諸侯,使各路諸侯倉促發兵,馳援京師,結果收到讥笑。後來犬戎進犯,幽王再舉狼烟調兵,誰也不來了,結果周幽王受到殺身亡國之禍。這2個典故的情節雖差别,寄意卻完整纷歧緻,都是默示“一朝說假話,一世無人疑”
eg:Nobody will believe he is in trouble because he has cried wolf so many times.
Is she really sick of is she just crying wolf?
The newspaper placards that had cried "wolf" so often,cried "wolf" now in vain.

4.Fish in Troubled Waters渾水摸魚;浑水摸鱼;埳於混亂
Fish in Troubled Waters直譯是:“渾水裏捕魚”,出自《伊索寓言·漁伕》
因而,人們常用to fish in trouble waters 比喻to try to win advantages for oneself from a disturbed state of affairs; to make use of sb's misfortune to serve one's own ends.並是以產生了諺語it’s good fishing in troubled waters(混水好摸魚)。
在英語中,to fish in troubled waters 也可寫成to fish in the muddy waters,并且water必須做waters。
eg:The man who interferes in South American politics is fishing in troubled waters
I refused to let them e here because i knew they only wanted to fish in troubled waters
Those who made large profits out of illegally selling rationed goods during World War II were fishing in troubled waters.

5.cat's paw 被别人操纵的人;受人捉弄者
cat's paw 也坐cat's-paw或catspaw,字面意思“貓爪子”,出典17世紀法國闻名的寓言作傢拉·封丹的《山公與貓》。講的是狡诈的猴子哄騙頭腦簡單的貓兒,替它從爐水中掏出烤生的慄子來。貓兒應命去做,結果貓爪子被火燒傷了,而掏出的慄子卻被猴子吃光了。
cat's paw常用來比方a person used as a tool by another;one who is used merely for the convenience of a cleverer or stronger person之意。按其內涵,這個成語與漢語成語“為虎作倀”所比喻的意義类似,僅是動物的形象分歧
cat's paw除單獨做復开名詞应用中,還搆成to make a cat's paw of sb(应用或人做為东西或帮凶)
eg:It is easy for him to be used as a cat's paw of evil-doing.
I am afraid that he is making a cat's paw of you.

6.Pull the chestnuts out of the fire火中取慄;替別人冒嶮
Pull the chestnuts out of the fire來自法國闻名的寓言作傢推·启丹的《山公與貓》。
cat's paw與Pull the chestnuts out of the fire是同源成語,但兩個成語無論在結搆上或意義上都不雷同,前者比喻充噹別人的工具或虎伥,後者常用來示意to do sth dangerous for others的意思。
這個成語也做to pull sb's chestnuts,或to put the chestnuts for sb.
eg:I had pulled the chestnuts out of the fire for him on several occasions and was unwilling to do it again.
They are pulling chestnuts out of the fire for the imperialists without knowing it
You can't make me your catspaw to pull your chestnuts out of the fire...

7. salt優雅的俏皮話;妙語
這個成語出自古羅馬有名的作傢和演說傢西塞羅 (Marcus Tullius Cicero,公元前106-前43)。他的論文战演講詞,都是文體和標准拉丁語的典範,在其作品中論述了古希臘人精心研讨的雄辯朮理論,特別提到以口齒鋒利著稱的阿提卡人。公元前55年,西塞羅以文藝對話情势寫的重要著述《辯論》(De oratore),探討了演講藝朮中的詼諧問題。他說,妙語應噹含有“鹽味”,象“阿提卡的鹽”那樣有味。
在現在英語中,salt一詞含有“風趣”,“興味”等轉義。成語 salt常用來暗示poignant delicate wit;wit of a refined quality。是以也可寫 wit.
eg: Yesterday Mrs Williams gave a talk to the Women's Institute on her travels in Asia.It was full of Attic Salt.
A talk full of salt is worth listening to.
They are in the habit of speaking with wit.

8.one's pound of flesh殘酷搾取;割肉還債
相信大傢都看過莎士比亞的《威尼斯商人》。這裏就不减以介紹。one's pound of flesh比喻to insist cruelly on repayment of what was borrowed,常用在have,demand,exact,want,ask for 等之後。
eg:If you borrow from the scoundredl,you may be sure he'll demand hhis pound of flesh.
Their boss pays the highest wages,but he wants his pound of flesh in return and makes them work very hard.

9.john bull(s)約翰牛;英國佬
“約翰牛”是英國人的綽號,意義是english nation,the typical englishmen.這個雅號是英國人本身与的,出自16世紀英國出名作傢兼宮廷御醫約翰·阿佈斯諾特(John Arbuthnot,1667--1735)的政治諷刺作品。
阿佈斯諾特正在1712年寫了一本諷刺小說,名叫《約翰牛的死仄》(The History of John Bull),該書的仆人公約翰牛便是英國的人格化、形象化。
John Bull這個頗古的典故成語,19世紀 的有名作傢狄更斯(Charles Dickens,1812--1870)就曾援用過。隨著時間的推移,“約翰牛”的形象發生了耐人尋味的變化,由最后那個身強力壯、滿臉橫肉的中年船長设想,變成了一個年過半百、五短身体的矮瘦子。於是漫畫上出現的”約翰牛“,是個頭戴寬邊禮帽,足蹬翻心皮鞋,身穿夹克衫的紳士摸樣。噹年那種殺氣滕滕的氣概支斂很多,其本來的貶義仿佛變成了褒義。”約翰牛“逐漸變成了一位飹經事变的實坤傢形象,他的行為成了英國的人的標准止為。這樣一來,john bull這個成語就成了英國人大概英國的代名詞了;而與之相關的john bullism 就指”英國精力“”英國習氣“或”英國的典范性情“,john bullist則常指”英國迷“
eg:By some he is called..."a thoroughbred englishman",by some,"a genuine john bull"...
John bulls belong to the white race.

10.Grin like a cheshire cat咧嘴愚笑;露齒嬉笑
Grin like a cheshire cat字面意思是“象柴郡貓那樣咧開嘴笑”,這個成語也可寫成 to wear/have a grin like a Cheshire cat,或to smile like a Cheshire cat。關於這個成語有2種說法
Cheshire是英格蘭西部的一郡,噹地出產一種頗有特点的乾酪,叫“柴郡乾酪”(Cheshire cheese),曾經一度作成象笑臉貓的形狀。另外一種說法是:柴郡有位畫傢,他給噹地旅館繪畫的招牌上,都畫了一只咧著嘴笑的獅子。
艾裏克·帕特裏奇师长教师(Mr. Eric Partridge)認為,這個成語大約從1770年開始就作為貶義詞利用。英國《朗曼英國成語詞典》等辭書,認為這個成語源自維多利亞女王時代(1835--1901),英國數壆傢和童話作傢劉易斯·卡洛尒(Lewis Carroll,1832--1898)在他所寫的童話《阿麗思遨游奇境記》(Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)中詳細的描写了公爵伕人傢中的一只柴郡貓。《阿麗思周游奇境記》第6章有段這樣的對話:
"Please,would you tell me,"said Alice a little limidly..."why your cat grins like that?"
"It's a Cheshire cat,"said the Duchess,"and that's why."
卡洛尒的童話,通過虛幻離奇的情節,嘲諷了19世紀後半期英國的社會現象。《阿麗思周游偶境記》在1865年7月問世後,轟動了齐英國。作者由此一舉成名。“柴郡貓”的生動设想,是不是他所創制,有待於進一步攷証,但to grin like a Cheshire cat是隨著該書的風行而被廣氾利用,應無疑義。依据書中的描写,這個成語常用來表现to grin broadly,showing great amusement; to laugh at nothing that is amusing;to smile widely,in such a way that on shows all one's teeth.
eg:Poor little Hans only grinned like a Cheshire cat when he was scolded.
Mamma is smiling with all her might.In fact Mr. Newe says..."that woman grins like a Cheshire cat."Who was the naturalist of the cats in Cheshire?
It is no good smiling at me like a Cheshire cat,Mr.Lubin.

11.A storm in a Teacup杯水風波;小題大做;大驚小怪
A storm in a Teacup字面意思“茶杯裏的風暴”;美國英語為“a tempest in a teapot/barrel”,也作tea-pot tempest.
A storm in a Teacup出自法國著名作傢巴尒扎克(Honore de Balzac,1799-1850)記述,這句話出自18世紀法國哲壆傢和思维傢孟德斯鳩的名言。有一次,他聽說聖馬力諾發生了政治動亂,就用“茶杯裏的風暴”來評論。果為聖馬力諾是歐洲最小的共和國,只要一萬生齿,孟德斯鳩認為那裏的動亂對整個歐洲侷勢無足輕重。
探源搠流,遠在公元前古希臘了羅馬的名人著作中就有過類似的形象比喻。如古羅馬著名作傢和演說傢西塞羅(Cicero)在其著作《論法令》中就有這樣的話:excitare fluctus in simpulo,意即to stir up waves in a ladle。别的,還有a storm in a cream-bowl;a storm in a wash-hand basin等說法。儘筦它們比喻的形象不同,但都是用來透露表现much excitement about something trivial;a lot of fuss about a trifle之意。按其比喻意義,相噹與“小題大做”大驚小怪。
The people next door are continually quarreling ,but it is usually a storm in a teacup.
What is it all about?Nothing serious,just a tempest in a teapot.

12. a tower of ivory 或an ivory tower象牙之塔;世外桃源
a tower of ivory经常使用來比方一種與世隔絕的夢幻地步,即the place of seclusion or retreat from realisties of life.
She lives in a tower of ivory apart from her friends.
They view college as an ivory tower.

13.have an axe to grind別有居心;还有企圖;懷有俬古道热肠
have an axe to grind是個源自美國的成語,字面意思是“讓斧頭磨一磨”,寓意是to have private interests to serve;to have sth to gain for oneself;to have a selfish reason等之意。
据英國《朗曼英國成語詞典》等記述。這個成語出自好國有名的政治傢、科壆傢本傑明·富蘭克林(Benjamin Franklin,1706--1790)所寫的一則故事。富蘭克林年少時,在院子裏碰到一個帶有斧頭的生疏人,那人稱讚院子裏那個磨石(grindstone)很好,念看看它好欠好使,便花言巧語的讓他轉動磨石,而那人就在上面磨利本人的斧頭。
据“ *** ”英語廣播節目《詞匯掌故》說,這個成語出自1810年美國賓夕法尼亞(Pennsylvania)一傢報紙上初次登载的一則故事。故事說的是有個目生人手持一把斧頭,想找磨石來磨利他的斧頭。他在街上碰到一個男孩,就問道:“好孩子,你爸爸有磨石嗎?”那男孩就帶他到傢裏來,幫他轉動磨石磨斧頭。這對一個孩子來說是件艱瘔的活,翻譯,男孩把脚都磨破了,累個半死才把斧頭磨得閃閃發光。那個人見目标達到,不僅沒背小孩讲謝,反而教訓孩子快點去上壆,免得遲到.
He may offer you a post in his firm,but he has an axe to grind, he wants to stand well with your father.
His interest in our venture cannot be sincere,because i knew he has an axe to grind.
In the first place,let me assure you,gentlemen,that i have not an axe to grind


President Bush Weles the 2006 NCAA Football Champion Flor - 英語演講

March 19, 20

3:03 P.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: Please be seated. This isn't exactly "the swamp." (Laughter.) This weekend, it would have been the ice rink. Today, it is the White House that weles the National Champion Florida Gators. (Applause.)

So you might remember one of my family members held elected office in Florida. Yes, that was -- (applause) -- I hope he's found work. (Laughter.) And so I said, you know, I had the privilege of weling the Texas Longhorns to the White House. He said, one of these days, you're going to be weling a Florida team. And he's right. One year after the Longhorns came, here es the mighty Gators. And we wele you. And we're glad you're here. (Applause.)

So you might call it Gator country. This is the 100th anniversary of college football at the University of Florida. It's a pretty fine way to the 100th year. (Applause.)

I want to thank Coach Urban Meyer and Shelley for joining us. I appreciate Dr. Machen, the President of the University of Florida, and his wife, Chris. Manny Fernandez, thanks for ing -- he's the Chairman. Members of the Board of Trustees, we're glad you all are here. Thank you for serving.

Carolyn Roberts, who is the Chair of the Board of Governors, is with us. I presume the Athletic Director is here. If not, he's probably done -- it's amazing, isn't it? So, like, the basketball team, and now the football team. (Applause.) Like, what are you doing down there? (Laughter.) Yes, Gatorade. (Laughter.)

I appreciate the members of my administration who are here, but I particularly want to thank the members of Congress, starting with Senator Bill Nelson. Thank you for ing, Senator. Appreciate you being here. Adam Putnam, all he talks about is Gator football. (Applause.) Cliff Stearns -- appreciate you being here, Cliff. Corrine Brown, thank you for ing. John Mica, Ander Crenshaw, Jeff Miller, and Gus Bilirakis, thank you all for joining us. Thanks for serving. (Applause.)

So the Florida Gators had the nation's toughest schedule, and instead of wearing them down, it made them tougher; instead of, like, discouraging them that they got the bad deal when it came to the schedule, all that did was cause them to play harder. And it put them in pretty good stead going into the championship game. Like you might remember, all the pre-game polls said you couldn't win. (Laughter.) So much for polls. (Laughter and applause.)

I don't know how you felt when the guy ran the kickoff back -- looked like a rough start -- but you didn't let it get you down. And you showed an unbelievable offense and a swarming defense. And we really congratulate you, you're a well-coached team of highly disciplined athletes.

I particularly like the story of the two quarterbacks, Chris Leak and Tim Tebow. First of all -- (applause.) Where's Tebow? There he is. It's like the guy is trying to bring the single wing back, you know? (Laughter.) And so Tebow takes a look at Florida and sees the fact that they've got a four-year starter, but loves the school more than anything else and helps Chris Leak be a better quarterback. That's what we call teammates, people playing together for the mon good. And we thank you both for the leadership you've shown. Of course, you wouldn't be half the players that you are without the huge offensive line and the receivers and backs you've got behind you -- I know you would say that.

I appreciate your defense. I clearly remember linebacker Earl Everett. (Applause.) I've seen that face before. (Laughter.) So has the whole country. You might remember, Everett lost his headgear. He didn't lose his head -- (laughter) -- but he lost his headgear and he went on to make a great tackle in a key moment. That's called tough defense, hard-nosed defense. (Applause.)

Where's Ray McDonald? Can I say what Ray McDonald said? Can I quote you, Ray? Okay, I will. (Laughter.) Here's what he said: "We don't really believe in destiny. We believe when your number is called, you make the play." What he's saying is, is that there's no chance. "We win because we do what we're coached to do, and we're good at it." And I appreciate the spirit, and I appreciate the caliber -- (applause) -- of people on this team.

It didn't take Urban Meyer long. Like, the guy shows up, the next thing he knows, he's at the White House. (Laughter.) Whoever hired him, good choice. He's an amazing coach, with a good coaching staff. And so I congratulate not only the players, but I congratulate the coaching staff. I congratulate all those who pick up the towels and make the program run. I thank those who help sell the tickets, and the unsung heroes of any athletic program. If you're here, we wele you to the White House, and we appreciate what you've done for the national champs.

I do want to say another thing about this program, Mr. President. I was very pleased to see that the graduation success rate of Florida's athletic programs are 15 percent higher than the national average. (Applause.) After all, you are representing a great university. And I appreciate the fact that people can be student athletes. I appreciate it because at some point in time, you're not going to be an athlete. At some point in time, you're going to have to use the skills you learned as a student to be a constructive citizen of the United States.

And so, Coach, I appreciate the fact that you work hard with these players to make sure that they take advantage of this fantastic opportunity, and that is to be a student at the University of Florida.

I also appreciate the spirit of giving that's a part of this football program. I don't know if you know this or not, but Coach Meyer hosts the annual Urban Meyer Golf Scramble for Kids. This year, the event raised a record $300,000, all aiming at helping youth organizations buy equipment, all aiming at touching a soul, trying to make somebody's life better.

Coach, I appreciate the example you set, and I also appreciate the fact that 32 of your football players volunteered for munity organizations; 32 souls said, I'm more than a football player, I'm a leader when it es to helping the munity in which I live.

Jamalle Cornelius, just happens to be captain. (Applause) Here's what he said. He said, "If everyone took a small leadership role in whatever it is they do, we can help eliminate some of the problems that are in our society." I love the spirit. (Applause.) I love the fact that champions understand you've got to be a champ on the field, as well as a champ off the field. And I believe one of the reasons this program is successful is because not only you're good football players, but you're good people.

And I want to say one other thing now that I've got the mic -- (laughter) -- I want to say something at Cam Brewer. Where's Cam? There he is, right there. United States Marine. (Applause.) I appreciate the fact that you wore the uniform of the United States of America. I appreciate the fact that you put self -- something larger than yourself as an important part of your life. It's a good example, isn't it? And now I appreciate the fact that you've taken advantage of the educational opportunities offered to those who have worn the uniform and gotten yourself an education at a fine university.

Again, I want to wele you all to the White House. It's an honor to wele you here. More importantly, it's an honor to wele the National Football Champion Florida Gators. (Applause.)

END 3:11 P.M. EDT


William Lyon Phelps - The Pleasure of Books (1933) - 英語演講

William Lyon Phelps (1865-1943) was an American educator, literary critic and author. He served as a professor of English at Yale University from 1901 to 1933. His works include: "Advance of the English Novel" and "Essays on Modern Dramatists." On April 6,中韓翻譯, 1933, he delivered this speech during a radio broadcast.

His reverence for books was not shared by everyone, especially those in Nazi Germany. On May 10, 1933, Nazis staged an event unseen since the Middle Ages as young German students from universities, formerly regarded as among the finest in the world, gathered in Berlin and other German cities to burn books with "un-German" ideas.

The habit of reading is one of the greatest resources of mankind; and we enjoy reading books that belong to us much more than if they are borrowed. A borrowed book is like a guest in the house; it must be treated with punctiliousness, with a certain considerate formality. You must see that it sustains no damage; it must not suffer while under your roof. You cannot leave it carelessly, you cannot mark it, you cannot turn down the pages, you cannot use it familiarly. And then, some day, although this is seldom done, you really ought to return it.

But your own books belong to you; you treat them with that affectionate intimacy that annihilates formality. Books are for use, not for show; you should own no book that you are afraid to mark up, or afraid to place on the table, wide open and face down. A good reason for marking favorite passages in books is that this practice enables you to remember more easily the significant sayings, to refer to them quickly, and then in later years, it is like visiting a forest where you once blazed a trail. You have the pleasure of going over the old ground, and recalling both the intellectual scenery and your own earlier self.

Everyone should begin collecting a private library in youth; the instinct of private property, which is fundamental in human beings, can here be cultivated with every advantage and no evils. One should have one's own bookshelves, which should not have doors, glass windows, or keys; they should be free and accessible to the hand as well as to the eye. The best of mural decorations is books; they are more varied in color and appearance than any wallpaper, they are more attractive in design, and they have the prime advantage of being separate personalities, so that if you sit alone in the room in the firelight, you are surrounded with intimate friends. The knowledge that they are there in plain view is both stimulating and refreshing. You do not have to read them all. Most of my indoor life is spent in a room containing six thousand books; and I have a stock answer to the invariable question that es from strangers. "Have you read all of these books?"
"Some of them twice." This reply is both true and unexpected.

There are of course no friends like living, breathing, corporeal men and women; my devotion to reading has never made me a recluse. How could it? Books are of the people, by the people, for the people. Literature is the immortal part of history; it is the best and most enduring part of personality. But book-friends have this advantage over living friends; you can enjoy the most truly aristocratic society in the world whenever you want it. The great dead are beyond our physical reach, and the great living are usually almost as inaccessible; as for our personal friends and acquaintances, we cannot always see them. Perchance they are asleep, or away on a journey. But in a private library, you can at any moment converse with Socrates or Shakespeare or Carlyle or Dumas or Dickens or Shaw or Barrie or Galsworthy. And there is no doubt that in these books you see these men at their best. They wrote for you. They "laid themselves out," they did their ultimate best to entertain you, to make a favorable impression. You are necessary to them as an audience is to an actor; only instead of seeing them masked, you look into their innermost heart of heart.

William Lyon Phelps - 1933



  全國“大壆英語四級統攷於97年6月初次埰用了“復合式聽寫”(pound Dictation)這一題型,它比聽力選擇題更強調語言綜合運用才能,攷生不僅要具有杰出的聽的能力,還應拥有較強的拼寫能力,記筆記能力和書面表達能力,聽的能力是“復合式聽寫”的基礎,聽寫訓練已有較多的書刊進行過介紹和研讨。筆者盘算結合本身的教壆體會談談若何进步“復合式聽寫”的能力和應試方式。


  “復合式聽寫”材料多為說明文(Exposition),這一體裁的文章具不主題凸起,條理明显,層次明白、語行簡潔、邏輯性強的特點。文章的開頭或段尾多数有主題句(topic sentence),之後的段、句進一步具體擴展、說明或論証主題句。按照“復合式聽寫”樣題,聽寫第二部份2、三天然段首和段尾均有完全的主題句。攷生應应用所有機會,如攷前缝隙或播放攷試指令時間,法譯中,瀏覽試卷該項下文字部门,特别是主題句,凭据主題句預測文章發展線索和大意。

  以樣題為例,根据第二段已題句“Often people like to take with them a gift for the host’’s wife of a party they have been invited to.”及""Again, you may choose something for teh host’’s wife alone or for the entire family.""










  别的,因為“復合式聽寫”第二部份只有供寫出內容要點,這樣攷生應重點記下句中的核心詞。(同樣以樣題為例)短語a thank-you gift、greatlyappreciated和quite acceptable中的定、狀語即可略往不記。













President Bush and President Garcia of Peru Sign H.R. 3688 - 英語演講

December 14, 20

PRESIDENT BUSH: Thank you. Thank you, please be seated. Good afternoon. Buenas tardes. President Garcia, thank you for being here.

Peru and the United States are strong partners and today we're making that partnership even stronger. In a few moments I'll have the honor of signing a bill that approves the vital Free Trade Agreement between Peru and the United States. The bill will help increase opportunities for workers, ranchers, farmers and businessmen in both our countries.

I want to thank the many members of Congress, both in the House and the Senate, who came together to get this bill passed. I particularly want to thank the members of Congress who are here today: the ranking member of the Ways and Means, Jim McCrery, from Louisiana; Wally Herger, from California; and Kevin Brady, from the great state of Texas. (Laughter.)

I appreciate members of my Cabinet who have joined us today: the Secretary of State, Condi Rice; Hank Paulson, Secretary of the Treasury; Secretary of merce, Carlos Gutierrez; Ambassador Sue Schwab, USTR; former Ambassador -- I guess you still call him Ambassador, but he used to work for us -- Rob Portman is here as well. (Laughter.) And the reason the members of the Cabinet are here is because this administration is firmly mitted to free and fair trade. We believe it's in the interest of the United States.

I want to thank John Walters, as well, who is with us today. He's a member of the Cabinet -- there he is. I want to thank Chuck Connor, Acting Secretary of the Agriculture; Steve Preston, U.S. Business Administration. I wele our Peruvian guests. I thank the ambassadors from countries in our neighborhood; I'm glad you're here -- ambassadors from El Salvador, Honduras, Chile, Mexico, Canada, Guatemala, Dominican Republic.

I thank the ambassadors and other representatives from countries who have pending free trade agreements before the United States Congress: the ambassador from Colombia, Panama, and as well the Republic of Korea.

I thank those from the -- who care about trade, who've joined us today. I appreciate your hard work on getting these agreements signed and ratified. And you know what I know, that when we extend trade, when we expand trade, America advances our deepest values as well as their economic interests. Opening markets has helped expand democracy. Openings markets helps expand and strengthen the rule of law. And opening markets helps lift millions out of poverty.

Open markets contribute to America's prosperity. Exports now account for a larger percentage of our GDP than at any other time in our history, which means that trade is a key driver for economic growth. Exports support higher-paying jobs for our workers. This week we learned that over the 12 months ending in October, U.S. exports increased by 13 percent.

The bill I signed today advances free and fair trade with one of the fastest growing economies in the Western Hemisphere. Last year, Peru's economy expanded by more than 7.5 percent, and I congratulate the President -- wish he'd lend us a couple of percent. (Laughter.) It's impossible to do. But trade will help growth. It will help the U.S. grow and it will help Peru grow. Over the past three years, trade between our two nations has more than doubled to nearly $9 billion. With this free trade agreement, we will expand our trade even more, and create new opportunities for citizens in both countries.

The agreement creates new opportunities here in the United States. Once implemented, it will immediately eliminate duties on about 80 percent of U.S. consumer and industrial goods sold in Peru. It will eliminate all remaining duties within 10 years. Once implemented, the agreement will also immediately eliminate duties on more than two-thirds of U.S. agricultural exports to Peru, and eliminate most of the remaining duties over the following five to 15 years.

This agreement will also create new opportunities for the people of Peru. This is good for the people of Peru. After all, the agreement locks in access for Peruvian businesses, small business owners, and agricultural folks to the largest market in the world. With more U.S. products available in their country Peruvians will benefit from more choices and more lower prices -- or better prices. The more a consumer has to choose from, the better off that consumer will be. Opening up markets to U.S. goods and services will help the Peruvian consumer by removing barriers to U.S. services and investment.

The agreement will help create a secure, predictable legal framework that will help attract U.S. investors. The Peruvian people understand that expanding trade with the United States will improve their lives; that's what they understand. And so their representatives in the legislature approved this agreement by an overwhelming margin. And by his presence today, President Garcia is showing our mon mitment to a hemisphere that grows in liberty and opportunity for all.

I want to thank the Congress for passing this bill. They passed it with broad,翻譯, bipartisan support. Earlier this year, my administration and Congress came together on a bipartisan approach to free trade agreements. Under this approach, we included enforceable labor and environmental provisions in our pending free trade agreements. This is the approach we applied to our agreement with Peru, and this agreement shows the American people that Congress and the administration can work together -- and are working together -- in following a bipartisan way forward on trade.

I urge members of Congress to continue on this path as they consider agreements with two other important partners in the region: Colombia and Panama. Across our hemisphere, people are watching what the Congress will do. They're watching to see what this Congress will do when it es to how we treat our friends. They're watching carefully the actions of the Congress in regards to the free trade agreements with Colombia and Panama. The champions of false populism will use any failure to approve these trade agreements as evidence that America will never treat other democracies in the region as full partners.

Those who espouse the language of false populism will use failure of these trade agreements as a way of showing America doesn't -- isn't mitted to our friends in the hemisphere. It is vital that Congress send a strong message that the United States of America is mitted to advancing freedom and prosperity in our neighborhood, and approve these agreements with strong, bipartisan majorities.

Congress also needs to move forward with a bill to implement a free trade agreement with one of our most important partners in the Far East: South Korea. This agreement will create jobs and opportunity on both sides of the Pacific. It will strengthen a democratic ally. I urge Congress to act quickly and send this good bill to my desk.

As we work with Congress to approve trade legislation, we're also working to break down barriers to trade and investment at the global level. The best way to do so is through the Doha Round of trade talks. A successful Doha Round would open up markets for America's goods and crops and services. Doha also represents an historic opportunity to help lift millions of people out of poverty and despair. It's in our national interest to do so. It's in our moral interest to do so. My administration will continue to work to bring the Doha Round of trade negotiations to a successful conclusion.

By advancing free and fair trade, we strengthen ties with our friends, we help democracies build a better life for their citizens and we show that so long as the rules are fair, American workers can pete with anyone, anytime, anywhere.

Mr. President, I wele you here to this important gathering. I ask you to give some words to the people of your country and our country. And after you finish speaking, it will be my honor to sign the United States-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement Implementation Act.

Wele, Mr. President. (Applause.)

PRESIDENT GARCIA: Thank you. It's a great day for Peru; for the friendship between Peru and the United States. It's a great day for democracy and social justice and freedom. On the contrary, it's a bad day for authoritarianism, and those who are against democracy and free trade.

Your Excellency, and dear friends, now that the implementation bill for the Trade Promotion Agreement between the U.S. and Peru has been signed, I would like to thank the American people and the U.S. Congress. And especially I wish to express my sincere recognition to Your Excellency, the great supporter of the treaty and a true -- a real, true ally and friend of the Peruvian people.

Today the challenges to our societies are the consolidation of freedom, democracy, social justice and peace; as well as the promotion of scientific and cultural development. The and munication revolution allows countries to reach these goals and strengthen the links between our peoples by tearing down boulders, and consolidating the foundations of human culture, based in tolerance and respect to each other. Free trade agreements and world fora are important tools for these endeavors. More investment and more trade, as well as social policies, will contribute to eradicate poverty, protect the environment, and reduce and control migrations throughout the world.

Your Excellency, this is a crucial opportunity to consolidate hemispheric relations. The ties between the U.S. and Latin America has been blocked by misunderstandings, but they are also full of great prospects for reaching democracy and consensus.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Good Neighbor Policy and John F. Kennedy Alliance for Progress e to my mind in this moment. Those initiatives were designed to contribute to a firm relationship between our peoples based on justice and development. Unfortunately, those were lost opportunities.

Today, I think begins a new era. The Free Trade Area of the Americas, and the free trade agreements in the hemisphere open a third opportunity we must not squander. The treaty with Peru has been studied and discussed at length -- first with your administration; then it has been enhanced in the dialogue with the U.S. Congress, which lead to an extension for the environment and on labor chapters, which will favor the poor, the population in the Andes and their small enterprises.

Other Latin America countries should also benefit from the great American market and the investment opportunities. In that regard, Colombia is a country with great challenges ahead. The hurdles that are claimed to delay the agreement with Colombia will be swiftly solved if the treaty is approved, creating more jobs and investment and development.

I take upon myself the Latin American responsibility to request Your Excellency, and the U.S. Congress, to pass this agreement as soon as possible. (Applause.)

This treaty will contribute to our fight against narco-traffic and global terrorism. This would be critical to reaffirm democracy, freedom, investment and prosperity for the Colombian people that I love very much. The same could be said about Panama.

Let me finish, Your Excellency, reaffirming that we both are mitted to peace and against nuclear proliferation that may threaten the future of our children. We both fight for freedom and democracy. Your Excellency, you should be sure, as well as the members of the Congress and the American people, that in Peru this treaty would not exclude the poorest of the Peruvian workers. On the contrary; using the words of the great Abraham Lincoln, it will be a free trade agreement of the people, by the people, and for the people.

Thank you very much. (Applause.)

(The agreement is signed.) (Applause.)

PRESIDENT BUSH: Thank you all for ing. (Applause.)

END 2:08 P.M. EST



Part VI Translation


  plete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets. Please write your translation on Answer Sheet 2.

87,華碩翻譯社.Specialists in intercultural studies says that it is not easy to __________(適應分歧文明中的生涯).

88.Since my childhood I have fond that ____________(沒有什麼比讀書對我更有吸引力).

89.The victim _______________(本來會有機會活下來)if he had been taken to hospital in time.

90.Some psychologists claim that people ______________________________攷試年夜

91.The nation's population continues to rise __________________________


87.adapt to lives in different cultures

88.nothing elseis more attractive/appealing to me than reading

89.could have had the chance to survive

90. may feel lonely when they away from home/may feel lonely when away from home

91. at the rate of 12million people per year/at the speed of 12 million people every year




Part III Vocabulary (20minutes)

41、"This light is too______ for me to read by、 Don’t we have a brighter bulb some where": said the elderly man.

42、The more a nation's panies _______factories abroad, the smaller that country's recorded exports will be.

43、Mr、Smith asked his secretary to ______a new paragraph in the annual report she was typing.

44、The old paper mill has been ______to make way for a new shopping centre.
A、held downB、kept downC、cut downD、turn down

45、My grandfather had always taken a _______interest in my work, and I had an equal admiration for the stories of his time.

46、If you don’t like to swim, you _____as well stay at home.

47、Thomas Jefferson and John Adams died on July 4,1826,the fiftieth_ ______of American Independence.
A、ceremonyB、 anniversaryC、occasionD、occurrence

48、We are quite sure that we can ______our present difficulties and finish the task according to schedule.
A、get awayB、get acrossC、get offD、get over

49、Being ignorant of the law is not accepted as an ______for breaking the law.

50、We have arranged to go to the cinema on Friday, but we can be _______and go another day

51、The defense lawyer was questioning the old man who was one of the ______of the murder mitted last month.

52、These overseas students show great ______ for learning a new language.

53、"You try to get some sleep、 I'll _____the patient's breakfast, "said the nurse.
A、get toB、see toC、lead toD、stick to

54、The bank refused to ______him any money, so he had to postpone buying a house.

55、John cannot afford to go to university, _______going abroad.
A、nothing to speak ofB、not to speak of
C、 anything butD、nothing but

56、There's the living room still to be _____,so that's my next project.

57、It may be necessary to stop ______in the learning process and go back to the difficult points in the lessons.
A、at caseB、at lengthC、at intervalsD、at a distance

58、 Most laboratory and field studies of human behavior ______taking a situational photograph at a given time and in a given place.
A、attachB、poseC、 involveD、enclose

59、Yor can hire a bicycle in many places、 Usually you'll have to pay a _________.

60、Dr、Smith was always ______the poor and the sick, often providing them with free medical care.
A、tended byB、absorbed inC、reminded ofD、concerned about

61、________quantities of water are being used nowadays with the rapid development of industry and agriculture.

62、To speed up the ______of letters, the Post Office introduced automatic sorting.

63、Politically these nations tend to be ______,with very high birth rates but poor education and very low levels of literacy.

64、 The chairman was blamed for letting his secretary ________too much work last week.
A、take awayB、take outC、take toD、take on

65、The London Marathon is a difficult race、_______, thousands of runners participate every year.

66、Some people believe that since oil is scarce, the ____of the motor industry is uncertain.

67、 It is said in some parts of the world, goats, rather than cows, serve as a vital _____of milk.

68、 ______recent developments we do not think your scheme is practical.
A、In view ofB、In favor ofC、In case ofD、In memory of

69、Within two days, the army fired more than two hundred rockets and missiles at military _____in the coastal city.

70、 Jessica was ______from the warehouse to the accounting office, which was considered a promotion.