



Geographers pare and contrast 71places on the earth.
71A) similar B) various C) distant D) famous
出題者精心設計只為攷察pare和contrast的精確含義。pare意為to exam forsimilaritiesand differences, contrast意為to pare in order toshowdifferences。綜合兩個詞的含義,應為“找出其相似之處與不同之處”。B)various“各種各樣”為正確答案。
The foreign research scholar usually isolates himself inthelaboratory as a means of protection; 72, what he needs is tobefitted into a highly organized university system…
72A) otherwise B) moreover C) however D) also
根据上下文,空格前的意思為“外籍研究壆者通常把自己隔離在實驗室裏作為一種保護的手段”。空格後為“他需要融入的是高度的組織化的大壆係統”。前者是一種孤離的狀態“isolate”,而後者都是一種組織化的係統“befitted to a higlyorganizeduniversity”,從邏輯的角度而言,前後已然成為對立、矛盾的關係。所以答案為表示對比(轉折)關係的連詞however.
  (三)結搆識別。這裏講到的結搆,是指英文中表禎句子結搆的固定詞組,如not only…but…,as well,some…theothers…, still others…等。
  (四)固定搭配。這裏的固定搭配,是指動詞與名詞之間的搭配。如:同樣是“利用……”, 卻有不同的搭配take advantageofsth. /make use of sth.
“In the United States professors have many otherduties86teaching, such as administrative or research work . 87 ,the timethat a professor can spend with a student outside of classislimited.”86. A) but B) except C) with D) besides87. A) HoweverB)Therefore C) Furthermore D) Nevertheless





新英語四級聽力概述及高分必奪技巧(9) - 技巧心得




  Two college-age boys, unaware that making money usually involves hard work, are tempted by an advertisement that promises them an easy way to earn a lot of money. The boys soon learn that if something seems to good to be true, it probably is.


John G. Hubbell

  "You ought to look into this," I suggested to our two college-age sons. "It might be a way to avoid the indignity of having to ask for money all the time." I handed them some magazines in a plastic bag someone bad hung on our doorknob. A message printed on the bag offered leisurely, lucrative work ("Big Bucks the Easy Way!") of delivering more such bags.

  "I don't mind the indignity," the older one answered.

  "I can live with it," his brother agreed.

  "But it pains me," I said,"to find that you both have been panhandling so long that it no longer embarrasses you."

  The boys said they would look into the magazine-delivery thing,韓文翻譯. Pleased, I left town on a business trip. By midnight I was fortably settled in a hotel room far from home. The phone rang. It was my wife. She wanted to know how my day had gone.

  "Great!" I enthused. "How was your day?" I inquired.

  "Super!" She snapped. "Just super! And it's only getting started. Another truck just pulled up out front."

  "Another truck?"

  "The third one this evening. The first delivered four thousand Montgomery Wards. The second brought four thousand Sears, Roebucks. I don't know what this one has, but I'm sure it will be four thousand of something. Since you are responsible, I thought you might like to know what's happening.

  What I was being blamed for, it turned out, was a newspaper strike which made it necessary to hand-deliver the advertising inserts that normally are included with the Sunday paper. The pany had promised our boys $600 for delivering these inserts to 4,000 houses by Sunday morning.

  "Piece of cake!" our older college son had shouted.

  " Six hundred bucks!" His brother had echoed, "And we can do the job in two hours!"

  "Both the Sears and Ward ads are four newspaper-size pages," my wife informed me. "There are thirty-two thousand pages of advertising on our porch. Even as we speak, two big guys are carrying armloads of paper up the walk. What do we do about all this?"

  "Just tell the boys to get busy," I instructed. "They're college men. They'll do what they have to do."

  At noon the following day I returned to the hotel and found an urgent message to telephone my wife. Her voice was unnaturally high and quavering. There had been several more truckloads of ad inserts. "They're for department stores, dime stores, drugstores, grocery stores, auto stores and so on. Some are whole magazine sections. We have hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, of pages of advertising here! They are crammed wall-to-wall all through the house in stacks taller than your oldest son. There's only enough room for people to walk in, take one each of the eleven inserts, roll them together, slip a rubber band around them and slide them into a plastic bag. We have enough plastic bags to supply every takeout restaurant in America!" Her voice kept rising, as if working its way out of the range of the human ear. "All this must be delivered by seven o'clock Sunday morning."

  "Well, you had better get those guys banding and sliding as fast as they can, and I'll talk to you later. Got a lunch date.

  When I returned, there was another urgent call from my wife.

  "Did you have a nice lunch?" she asked sweetly. I had had a marvelous steak, but knew better by now than to say so.

  "Awful," I reported. "Some sort of sour fish. Eel, I think."

  "Good. Your college sons have hired their younger brothers and sisters and a couple of neighborhood children to help for five dollars each. Assembly lines have been set up. In the language of diplomacy, there is 'movement.'"

  "That's encouraging."

  "No, it's not," she corrected. "It's very discouraging. They're been as it for hours. Plastic bags have been filled and piled to the ceiling, but all this hasn't made a dent, not a dent, in the situation! It's almost as if the inserts keep reproducing themselves!"

  "Another thing," she continued. "Your college sons must learn that one does not get the best out of employees by threatening them with bodily harm.

  Obtaining an audience with son NO. 1, I snarled, "I'll kill you if threaten one of those kids again! Idiot! You should be offering a bonus of a dollar every hour to the worker who fills the most bags.

  "But that would cut into our profit," he suggested.

  "There won't be any profit unless those kids enable you to make all the deliveries on time. If they don't, you two will have to remove all that paper by yourselves. And there will be no eating or sleeping until it is removed."

  There was a short, thoughtful silence. Then he said, "Dad, you have just worked a profound change in my personality."

  "Do it!"

  "Yes, sir!"

  By the following evening, there was much for my wife to report. The bonus program had worked until someone demanded to see the color of cash. Then some activist on the work force claimed that the workers had no business settling for $5 and a few petitive bonuses while the bossed collected hundreds of dollars each. The organizer had declared that all the workers were entitled to $5 per hour! They would not work another minute until the bosses agreed.

  The strike lasted less than two hours. In mediation, the parties agreed on $2 per hour. Gradually, the huge stacks began to shrink.

  As it turned out, the job was pleted three hours before Sunday's 7 a.m. deadline. By the time I arrived home, the boys had already settled their accounts: $150 in labor costs, $40 for gasoline, and a like amount

  for gifts―boxes of candy for saintly neighbors who had volunteered station wagons and help in delivery and dozen roses for their mother. This left them with $185 each ― about two-thirds the minimum wage for the 91 hours they worked. Still, it was "enough", as one of them put it, to enable them to "avoid indignity" for quite a while.

  All went well for some weeks. Then one Saturday morning my attention was drawn to the odd goings-on of our two youngest sons. They kept carrying carton after carton from various corners of the house out the front door to curbside. I assumed their mother had enlisted them to remove junk for a trash pickup. Then I overheard them discussing finances.

  "Geez, we're going to make a lot of money!"

  "We're going to be rich!"

  Investigation revealed that they were offering " for sale or rent" our entire library.

  "No! No!" I cried. "You can't sell our books!"

  "Geez, Dad, we thought you were done with them!"

  "You're never 'done' with books," I tried to explain.

  "Sure you are. You read them, and you're done with them. That's it. Then you might as well make a little money from them. We wanted to avoid the indignity of having to ask you for……"

  New Words


  n. (sl.) U.S,英翻中. dollar


  a. 塑料的

  n. (pl) 塑料


  n. 門把手


  a. unhurried 從容的,慢慢的


  n. free time 空閑時間,閑暇


  a. profitable 有利的;賺錢的


  vt. cause pain to


  vi. (AmE) beg,逐字稿. esp. on the streets


  n. delivering (of letters, goods, etc.)投遞;送交


  vi. show enthusiasm


  vt. ask


  a. (colloq.) wonderful, splendid; excellent


  vt. say(sth.) sharply 厲聲說


  n. 插頁


  ad. in the usual conditions; ordinarily 通常


  n. 公司


  vt. say or do what another person says or does; repeat 附和;重復


  n. (short for) advertisement


  vt. tell; give 告知


  n. (AmE) veranda 門廊


  n. as much as one arm or both arms can hold; armful


  n. a path specially arranged or paved for walking 人行道


  ad. in an unnatural way 不自然地


  vi. (of the voice or sound) shake; tremble 顫抖


  n. as much or as many as a truck can carry

  department store

  n. store selling many different kinds of goods in separate departments 百貨公司


  n. coin of U.S. and Canada worth ten cents

  dime store

  n. (AmE) a store selling a large variety of low-priced articles; variety store 廉價商品店;小商口店


  n. (AmE) a store that sells not only medicine, but also beauty products, film, magazines, and food 藥店,雜貨店


  n. a store that sells food and household supplies 食品雜貨店